Nem lesz élsimítás a Starcraft 2 kiadásakor
A Blizzard a Starcraft 2 megjelenésekor nem teszi bele az élsimítás funkciót a grafikai beállításokba, derül ki egy IGN által Chris Sigaty-val készített interjú során. Ez csak később néhány hónappal később egy javítócsomagban kerül majd be a játékba. Természetesen mindkét videokártyagyártó cég (Nvidia, ATI-Radeon) termékeire optimalizálva lesz a Starcraft 2.
IGN: Those who’ve played the beta (or just watched the videos) know that it looks great, even on a mid-range machine, but will we be able to anti-alias the boxed game when it’s released?
„Sigaty: No; but we will be releasing 3D in the first few months, for those Nvidia cards and screens that support it,” Chris states, before we quickly pursue Nvidia’s presence at the event, and ask about those players running ATI cards. We receive a stock but believable response: „we’re optimising for all systems.”
IGN: A satisfied note-pad in hand, we pursue the anti-aliasing question just one more time. No promises made, but it could certainly be done as a future update – again improving the game during its life – as could numerous other graphical upgrades as technology advances, and the median hardware gets faster. The first game has lived for twelve years already. StarCraft II may well take it further, if its ability to evolve stays in step with Blizzard’s ability to invigorate its products with new content and ideas.