Cross Region Play és Chat Channel

ProfessorJ . Hírek 1143

Bashiok megerősítette, hogy lesz majd Cross Region Play, vagyis tudnak majd az emberek egymással játszani különböző kontinenseken is, pl. EU-US, anélkül, hogy két különböző játékot kellene megvenni. Természetesen ez az opció nem a megjelenés napjától lesz elérhető,hanem csak hónapokkal később de addig is folyamatosan dolgoznak a Blizzard munkatársai a probléma megoldásán.

Getting people online, playing and interacting is obviously the overall goal for the platform, and that includes allowing people to play across regional boundaries as they have in the past.

Unfortunately, there are a multitude of challenges we have to overcome due to the unique regional account and billing options that didn’t exist in the past. But those hurdles aren’t insurmountable, and we are looking into solutions that will allow interested players to obtain access to other regional versions without having to buy another full copy of the game. Those solutions are something we’re currently planning to have available through Account Management within the first few months of StarCraft II’s release.

Before that solution is implemented though, you’re correct in that you’d need to purchase a US copy of the game on launch day to play in the US region.

Továbbá Zhydaris megerősítette, hogy lesznek különböző Chat csatornák a 2.0-n belül, sőt privát csatornákon keresztül a barátainkkal is beszélhetünk, anélkül, hogy bárki illetéktelen behatoló megzavarná a meghitt baráti csevejt. A különböző Chat Channelek a megjelenés után egy nagyobb patch keretében kerülnek majd be a 2.0-s kezelőfelületére.

As we said recently:

There will definitely be „chat channels” coming in one of the patches after the release. The system will be based around groups, where you will be able to join public channels that are based around your interests, which can be virtually anything. Also the system will include private chat channels (in plans for release in the first few months after the release), where you will be able to meet with your friends.

(Source: if you are interested). is constantly evolving. One year after release we’ll be probably looking at a completely different version of it. We’ll continue to listen to the community and take into consideration its feelings and feedback, that’s for sure, but we have a clear vision about Battle.Net 2.0 in our minds and sometimes you’ll just have to trust us 🙂

We already talked about chat channels some time ago and we already announced that they were going to be in the game after release. We didn’t change our plans, we just narrowed the time frame for the release of this feature.



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