StarCraft II Beta – Patch 14 (version

AdamoA értesített a fejleményekről, köszi! Forrás: SC2Pod Blue tracker Ráadásként itt van hozzá a Situation Report is. +1 ráadás, Koxaman frissítette az egységtáblázatát. Balance Changes PROTOSS Archon Build time decreased from 17 to 12. TERRAN Viking Ground damage decreased from 14 to 12. ZERG Corruptor Corruption energy cost decreased from 100 to 75. Infestor Burrowed move speed increased from 1 to 2. Peristalsis upgrade removed. Overlord/Overseer Pneumatized Carapace cost increased from 50/50 to 100/100. Overseer Infested Terran energy cost decreased from 125 to 100. Roach Organic Carapace upgrade removed. Tunneling Claws now also increases burrowed regeneration rate from 5 to 10. Ultralisk Anabolic Synthesis upgrade removed. Health increased from 450 to 500. Speed increased from 2.25 to 2.9531. Bug Fixes Map Publishing: the default host now points to the correct server. Time Expiration notices that were added for testing of the Guest Pass functionality have been removed. Fixed a crash when trying to open an old replay by double-clicking it in Explorer. AdamoA féle rövid összefoglalót a klikk után:

Astonkacser . Patch 2396 73 hozzászólás

Starcraft II Beta – Patch 12 (version

Ezen a héten jön a következő patch, mely csupa apró dolgot javít, például azt, hogy nem lehet kilépni a játékból. Ehhez tartozik egy helyzetjelentés, melyet szintén magyarul olvashattok az egyes változások alatt. Így az egészet összefésülve talán jobban olvasható a dolog. Az első helyzetjelentésünk a 11-es Patch változásait részletezte. Annak ellenére, hogy a legújabb, 12-es, nem egy hatalmas darab, szeretnénk továbbra is kis betekintést nyújtani a balance változások mögé. Tartsátok észben, hogy továbbra is nagyon odafigyelünk ezen változtatások hatásaira, hogy minél jobban felmérhessük azokat, illetve nem tesszük bele az összes tervezett változtatást az aktuális patch-be. Ezáltal jobban követhetjük a változások hatásait, és jobban tervezhetjük a további változtatásokat annak alapján, hogy milyen irányban hatnak a balance-ra. Balance szempontjából pár kisebb változtatást implementáltunk ebben a patch-ben, illetve több zerg képesség változását is tervezzük a következőben. Balance Változások Protoss Forge Építési idő 35-ről 45-re nőtt. Élet és pajzs értékek 550/550-ről 400/400-ra csökkentek. Sok Photon Cannon rush-t látunk Protoss és Zerg ellen. Protoss ellen gyakran egy szirt szélét vagy az ellenség ásványait használják a Forge-dzsal együtt, hogy a Pylon-t védjék.

ZsoL . Patch 3437 172 hozzászólás

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 8 (version

General Korea Added support to display the game rating information on the login screen. Balance Changes TERRAN Thor Build time decreased from 75 seconds to 60 seconds. Siege Tank Build time decreased from 50 seconds to 45 seconds. Marauder Concussive Shells now require an upgrade. Barracks Tech Lab Concussive Shells upgrade added. Concussive Shells upgrade costs 100/100 and takes 80 seconds to complete. PROTOSS Void Ray Changed to only have 2 damage levels instead of 3. Still takes the same amount of time to fully charge. Base damage changed from 2 (+4 armored) to 5. Powered-up damage changed from 8 (+16 armored) to 10 (+15 armored). Armor value decreased from 1 to 0. Cost increased from 200/150 to 250/150. ZERG Roach Burrowed move speed decreased from 2 to 1.4. Armor value decreased from 2 to 1. Hydralisk Life decreased from 90 to 80. Forrás: Blue Tracker

Astonkacser . Patch 1811 40 hozzászólás

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 6 (version

Magyar fordítás itt, köszi Szabeszkah! StarCraft II Beta – Patch 6 (version General You can now report misconduct or block communication with a player after completion of a game by right-clicking on the offending player’s name in the score screen and choosing Report Abuse or Block Communication. You can now view any player’s profile after completion of a game by right-clicking on their name in the score screen and choosing View Profile. Updated unit and ability tooltips to be accurate in all regions. Improved the visibility of units on zerg creep. Improved the visibility of team colors for protoss units using warp-in to help distinguish between multiple protoss players. Improved the system that handles promotion and relegation between Leagues. Improved the Favored functionality to more accurately portray Even matches and display properly in the score screen. Improved 2v2 arranged team matchmaking so games are found more quickly. Improved replay functionality so missing maps will be downloaded from when you view a replay. Korea: Improved the logic for the age gate functionality. Balance Changes

Darc1n . Patch 2281 42 hozzászólás

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 11 (version

Megjelent a legújabb patch, ami főleg rég várt balance kérdéseket boncolgat, de akad pár hotkey változtatás illetve bugfix is. Ezen kívül, azért, hogy jobban el tudják magyarázni a változtatások okait, a fejlesztők létrehoztak egy úgynevezett Helyzetjelentést (Situation Report), ami kicsit részletesebben beszél a lényeges pontokról. Hamarosan lefordítom ezt a jelentést, és frissítem ezt a postot, szóval nézzetek még vissza, amennyiben nem tökéletes az angol tudásotok. Egyébként a változtatások listáját magyarul itt olvashatjátok (köszi nosu_ke). Ha valakinek van kedve, természetesen nekiállhat lefordítani, és ha korábban végez, mint én, akkor kirakjuk ide (és szépen megköszönjük :-)), szóval nem akarom senkitől elvenni a lehetőséget! Balance Changes TERRAN Battlecruiser The build time has been decreased from 110 to 90. Fusion Core The build time has been decreased from 80 to 65. Hellion The range has been increased from 5 to 6. Planetary Fortress The splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage. Raven

Darc1n . Patch 2356 78 hozzászólás

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 9 (version

Magyarul itt. Köszi Rykee! General The StarCraft II Editor is now available! Players will now be able to begin creating trigger maps in preparation for map publishing which will be made available in an upcoming beta patch. Achievements & Decals are now live! Players will now be able to earn achievements, browse the list of available achievements, and view achievements earned by friends. Players will be able to highlight favorite achievements in their Showcase. Earning certain achievements will unlock portrait and decal rewards. The updated Homepage now includes a Recent Broadcasts panel and a News & Community panel. A new Match History page is now available which will allow players to browse and filter their last 1,000 games played. A new Community page is now available which features an in-game version of RSS news feeds. A new Friends-of-Friends feature has been added, which allows players to easily find and connect with more real life friends on through existing friends. Additional friends’ presence details are now available from the Friends’ list. Improvements have been made on the Voice Chat system in game. Please use the new voice chat and provide feedback via the StarCraft II beta forums. The score screen now features a new graph tab. The art for many parts of the user interface has been updated. Hotkey templates have been added. In the gameplay options menu select from standard name based hotkeys for right and left-handed players, grid based hotkeys for right, and left-handed players, and classic StarCraft keys. Several hotkeys have been changed to avoid conflicts with the „Select All Warpgates” UI button: The Set Worker Rally Point has been changed from W to R. Build Sensor Tower has been changed from W to N. Terran Infantry Weapons have been changed from W to E. Terran Vehicle Weapons have been changed from W to E. Weapon Refit has been changed from W to R. Burrow has been changed from W to R. Spawn Larva has been changed from R to V. Neural Parasite has been changed from R to E. Balance Changes

Darc1n . Patch 2922 115 hozzászólás

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 7 (version

Elnézést a kezdeti hibákért, valami nem működött jól a hírrel kapcsolatban. Tehát static defense buff, egy kevés Banshee erősítéssel megfűszerezve. StarCraft II Beta – Patch 7 (version Balance Changes TERRAN Banshee The health has been increased from 130 to 140. Missile Turret The damage has been changed from 7+7 armored to 12. Thor Anti-Air damage has been decreased from 10+6 light to 8+4 light. Anti-Air attack now deals splash damage in a 0.5 radius. PROTOSS High Templar The Psi Storm radius has been decreased from 2 to 1.5 Photon Cannon Life and Shield values have been increased from 125/125 to 150/150. ZERG Broodlord Damage has been decreased from 25 to 20. Roach Organic Carapace no longer grants bonus regeneration to unburrowed roaches. Spine Crawler Damage has been increased from 20+10 armored to 25+5 armored. Attack period decreased from 2.2 to 1.6. Spore Crawler The cost has been decreased from 100 to 75. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue in which players would desync when matched against others with certain CPUs. Forrás: BlueTracker

Westy . Hírek, Patch 1622 48 hozzászólás

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 5 (version

Bizony, megjött az 5. patch és a nerfbunkó újra tarkón vágta a Protossokat. Olyat tettek a Warp Gate-tel , hogy mától semelyik protoss játékos mosolya nem őszinte. Na, azért a Zergeknek is kijutott a jóból, yeah! * PROTOSS o Cybernetics Core + Warp Gate research time increased from 60 seconds to 140 seconds. * ZERG o Hatchery/Lair/Hive + Burrow research time increased from 50 seconds to 100 seconds. + Burrow research cost increased from 50 Minerals and 50 Vespene Gas to 100 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas. o Nydus Network + Nydus Worm build time increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. o Hydralisk + The delay between attacks has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 0.83 seconds. o Infestor + Neural Parasite has been redesigned: # The limited duration of 10 seconds has been removed. # Can no longer target air units. # Cast range decreased from 9 to 7. + Burrowed Infestor move speed decreased from 1.5 to 1. + Infestor life decreased from 120 to 90. + Infestors that are burrowed now have the same threat level as above-ground units for the purposes of automatically acquiring targets. Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue with High graphics settings that could cause particles not to render. Forrás

Westy . Patch 2485 64 hozzászólás