Elindult a Starcraft 2 Beta második fázisa, legalábbis az USA-ban, ugyanis erre enged következtetni a Starcraft 2 Facebook oldalán talált rövid tájékoztató. Reméljük hamarosan beindulnak az EU serverek is.
A hírért köszönet Depyangelnek.
The second phase of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta test is now underway. We’re delighted to invite you back to the battlefield and hope that you will join us through July 19 for more terran, protoss, and zerg action.
As stated previously, all data from beta phase one has been… reset. This includes characters, match history, ladder rankings, and achievements. Beta participants will therefore need to recreate their characters and, if joining matchmaking games, complete a new series of placement matches.
We thank you for all the feedback you provided during phase one and are excited to hear about more of your experiences in phase two. Welcome back to beta, and we’ll see you on http://Battle.net/!