Archive for 2007. november 11. vasárnap

Tom Cruise megijedne – avagy erős-e a Protoss

A fórumon panaszkodott valaki, hogy mi az, hogy a Terran ennyi területre sebző egységet kap, a Protossnak meg alig van valamije a kisebb földi egységek ellen. Karune megnyugtatta, hogy a Colossus tökéletesen betölti ezt a szerepet, sőt erősebb mint gondolnánk. Hozzászólt többször is a topichoz, és mondott pár új dolgot. (egy régi demonstrációs videó itt) I do agree, Protoss doesn’t have a heavy hitter. Unless the colossus can ‘vaporize’ units with less then 50 hps in a sec. Actually, the Colossus do literally vaporize units with less than 50 Hit Points, in a second. Currently, their Twin Thermal Lance beams do 144 damage at a ‘Fast’ Attack Speed, and devs are also experimenting with possible AoE (Area of Effect) characteristics to the attack. Nonetheless, the Colossus will still be very vulnerable to air units. Though it is also important to note, that Beams are not instant damage, and are still undergoing much QA as well. Terrans, Point that Thor to the mining fields and not only the SCV, the CC will be gone! so yes at this point, Terrans are WAY better then the protoss… I am keeping my fingers cross for blizz to fix. The Thor that was seen in the Terran Gameplay Video is in no way balanced. It is unlikely for the Thor to take out a whole Command Center in one artillery barrage.

Vorian . Cikkek 1252 7 hozzászólás